Monday, September 8, 2008

Hi - Well today I went clothes shopping with my good friend Lou, and we found some good bargains. Of course we did not "need" the items that we purchased, but then again, what does need have to do with it.

Later in the day I was thinking, which can be a very dangerous thing, just ask my husband. I thought about the need that our souls have, which is to be constantly reinvented. If one becomes stagnant, you cannot reach new heights. I fully believe that this applies to our art work. We need to sometimes go outside of our comfort zone and try new things. Very many times we surprise ourselves with what we create when we do this.

What we gain by doing this can be absolutely wonderful, and the piece of art can be fabulous.
So my goal for the week is to make something outside of my comfort zone and see what I come up with. Also, I need to finish my art for the many swaps that I am in. Time is closing in on me, as I will be going on a trip with my husband for our 30th Anniversary in a few weeks.


1 comment :

Lou McCulloch said...

Now, I bought J.Jill brand t-shirts for $2- how could I pass that up?!
You are brave to think out of your comfort zone- hard for me too! xox Lou